It's Not Weird, It's Russian!

Part 1: The Language Barrier



Subscribe in a reader If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element or Right click to download the audio fileOr listen on Soundcloud!  When I first arrived in Moscow, I would take a seat in the restaurant and the waitrons would avoid me like the plague.I'm an Englishman in Russia. I'm part of the minority.It's strange to know that they aren't trying to be rude, they are just scared to talk to me. It's a necessity for Russian restaurants to have an English menu, but having an English waiter is another matter entirely. Often you will see the waiters tripping over themselves to find someone who can understand this strange alien. The bizarre thing is I guarantee they all own clothing that has some English expression or words on it. In the subway are English advertisements. Then why is the only phrase most Russians remember is "London is the capital of Great Britain?"I've even asked Russian strangers if they speak English, to which they reply to me in English;