Dharma Talks by Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz

The Lakshmi Series - Humility



Humility is the conscious awareness and acceptance of eternity as your own body. Humility is the time that you spend in love-in love with existence itself. When you don't love existence, you feel that you're separate from existence, you're separate from this world and you stand back from it. You hide. Humility is courage in that it's the open acceptance of your own perfection. Humility is the ability to see through darkness and perceive light, not only on the other side of darkness but in darkness itself. Humility means that we're willing to take tremendous chances with our life, with our death and that which lies beyond. Humility in its simple form is an image that is applied in the I Ching-a mountain within the earth, the hexagram of modesty or humility. The mountain exists within the earth. We don't see it, but its strength and power are there. So humility is something that exists and has a strength and power but is unseen. Please visit http://fredericklenzfoundation.org for more information.