Diamond Factory

16 - 2-22 - Jen - Springer - NOs



Let's say you're excited to share your new found business and the fantastic products from Young Living! You have your office all organized, business cards, catalogs, sample packets, and you share with your "LIST" of friends and family. They all say NO! Does this mean you are not destined for greatness? Royal Crown Diamond is just a fantasy? NO! There are reasons why we hear "NO" and this Young Living Business Training going to explain why and what to do to increase your chances of a YES! What we're going to talk about: * The main reasons people say NO to your business * Working on the reasons so you gain success * How can you tell what people are REALLY saying when they say NO * Knowing what the curve means * When is it you, when is the reason for "NO" about them http://diamondfactorytraining.com