Diamond Factory

15 8 31 Roby Mitchell MD



Nope, not a YL specific call this Monday. So why am I asking Roby to do an interview for you? Because he took 30+ years experience as a medical doctor and distilled the cause 90% of people’s “dis-ease” down to a few simple principles. He relinquished his medical license in 2005 because he was disgusted with the corruptness of “big medicine” and now is a crusader for an educated public! Nothing brings him greater joy than to see people’s labs come back improved, weight issues gone, energy levels restored, “dis-ease” vanquished, and people living happy vibrant lives. What you’ll learn in this interview 1) How to cure dang near everything yourself. 2) The root of most people’s health challenges, that is super simple to correct. 3) Go BALi … what is this man talking about? 4) One supplement everyone needs more than any vitamin or mineral. 5) What’s up with his upcoming 2 day workshop. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------