Diamond Factory

15 7 20 Barney Kuntze



Barney Kuntze, Summit Organizer! From tool and die maker to fitness guru … now SUMMIT ORGANIZER! Barney realized that people have a passion to learn about Young Living but not everyone could physically get to events. Using the power of the internet and taking technology to the max, Barney is hosting the first ever Young Living Oils Summit this November 1-14, 2015. Yes, that’s 14 days of total immersion learning! Barney has the passion, skill, and vision to make this event an incredible success. There will be training perfect for you; they range from basic oil usage to making it to the Diamond Ranks. The crazy thing, it’s free. (check it out here, and even register yleosummit.com) What you’ll learn: 1. Why he was crazy enough to take on this MASSIVE project. 2. Topics being covered on the Summit (50+). 3. How Barney loves to grow his Platinum organization. 4. Using this event to educate your friends, family, & members. 5. The ins and outs of attending an online event of this magnitude 6