Diamond Factory

13 8 19 Tom Challan



Tom has over 20 yrs in home based business strategy and success. He and his wife Kim have built multiple companies and earned tons of cash while still having time to travel, get to their daughter’s track events, and practice their Faith. With his guidance, my team grew over $30,000 in two months and continue to grow even in the summer months. We hit Platinum by the third month of working with him and now on our way to Diamond. I’ve asked him to talk about how to get people on autoships & being as good talking on the biz as you are on the products. (TWO topics I personally want to know about because I suck at getting people on autoship.) Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training is free to anyone who is looking to build a business, please share with your teams. To get more training, visit http://oursimpletraining.com.