Diamond Factory

13 9 30 CORP - Jared Turner



The guest is YL’s Vice President of International, Jared Turner. This man is charismatic, jovial, and VERY well read. He is responsible for the company’s global market expansion and management. Jared works closely with Young Living’s general managers around the world to get oils in the hands of people everywhere. Jared is the mastermind behind the new Drive to Win incentive program that was kicked off Aug 1st. Ya know, the one where you can win a Mercedes, trips to Hawaii, and even some cash-o-la! He is going to discuss in this Young Living Business Training: 1. What’s going on at Corporate & the International markets 2. Why the Drive to Win program has created quite a stir among YL distributors 3. The inspiration behind the incentive program 4. Tips on building to qualify for the car, trips, and cash 5. Other hot YL news to share with your teams **Random fact: he has a minor in TURKISH!** Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs,