Diamond Factory

13 10 28 Marianne Billeter AIRASE



Marianne Billeter Executive Director AIRASE (Association for the Int'l Research of Aromatic Science and Education) Wait until you hear what she has to say, WHOA!!!! AIRASE has dedicated it’s time toward 3 things. First, AIRASE will promote research to establish the scientific validity for the standardization of essential oils for home, health care, and medical uses. Second, AIRASE intends to fund research through contributions and membership fees. Third, AIRASE intends to globally inform the public on research results and research validity concerning the therapeutic uses and healing properties of essential oils–thus providing hope, health, and well being now and for future generations. Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training is free to anyone who is looking to build a business, please share with your teams. To get more training, visit http://oursimpletraining.com.