Diamond Factory

13 11 25 Jen Springer Q And A



Tonight, we're going back to the basics, an overview of all of Young Living's products. Often we get all these facts and figures packed in our brains and we enthusiastically give this information to others. They smile and look at you with a blank stare right? Next comes the words nobody likes to hear, "I will think about it." What this really means is, "I'm overwhelmed." What do you do? Get back to super simple lingo & explanations. What are we gonna talk about? 1. How to talk about Young Living without making heads spin. 2. The 7 product lines & their easy overviews. 3. What NOT to say when sharing your awesome oils with others! 4. How to get the people that need help to listen to you. 5. Replacement buying, WHAT is it? Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training is free to anyone who is looking to build a business, please share with your teams. To get more training, visit