Diamond Factory

13 12 16 CORP - Scott Johnson



Scott was diagnosed with a painful and debilitating disease that often leaves people immobile and living every day with relentless pain … ankylosing spondylitis. Regular medicine didn’t give him relief, so he turned to alternative methods that have kept him drug free. As a result of his knowledge and journey, he has written three books on the subject. His fourth book is a Christmas story, how cool is that? What are we gonna talk about? 1.What regular training does YL offer virtually on the web? 2. The types of regional events & why attend them 3. What projects are currently being developed. 4. How you can take the information home from the events to help your friends and family. 5. How Scott’s books can be used as tools to share Young Living. 6. Leadership Services: When you qualify to use them & how to contact them. Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training