Diamond Factory

13 12 23 Yvonne Litza



Yvonne Litza Yvonne has new ideas, fresh perspective, and is zooming forward since she got back from MasterMind 9 in Orlando, FL. You’ll love Yvonne, she’s so down to earth and has such GREAT ideas on sharing the Young Living message with others in a SIMPLE and EASY way. What are we gonna talk about? 1. Even if you don’t plan on “selling” Young Living, how you can help others. 2. How she is planning on creating culture in our team for 2014 (what’s culture?!?!?). 3. New ideas for getting your new people started out right away, no lag time. 4. Simplifying working with a large team. 5. How to get people to do what you do. Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training is free to anyone who is looking to build a business, please share with your teams. To get more training, visit http://oursimpletraining.com.