Diamond Factory

14 1 13 Michael McDanel



Royal Crown Diamond, Michael McDanel! This week we have on retired Air Force Major Michael McDanel, who recently achieved Royal Crown Diamond! Michael was searching for a business with purpose and time freedom. After losing young family members to cancer and over medication, he felt compelled to share the message of total health. Young Living was his vehicle. “Life is too short to continue trading time for money and families are looking for options.” Couldn’t agree more Michael! What are we gonna talk about? 1. Getting to Royal Crown, trials and tribulations. 2. Tips to generating team excitement and momentum. 3. The most important lesson learned as the business has grown. 4. How to stay focused and in the “forward” direction. 5. Advice the the newbie, staying the course to attain your goals. Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training is free to anyone who i