Nehma Ministries Podcast

I am happy - Just2 | أنا مبسوط - دقيقتين_بس



I want to tell you about my son who loooooves toys until that turned to be a problem. If we were in a particular shop, and we bought him a toy after exactly 5-6 minutes he will ask for a new one. We felt that this should be resolved and we have to deal with this problem. In one of my quite times, I prayed to the Holy Spirit to give us ideas and direction on how to deal with my child. Seven days ago, we wanted to have a family time - a special time. We put some happy music and start dancing, shouting and my 2 kids were jumping around, climbing on my back and I felt at that time something special has happened. Out of no where, my son said to me: “Dad, I’m happy”. Usually, I ask him whenever we go to parks or malls or visit some friends, if he is happy and he would say “yes” but this time was different, I think this is the first time he would say “I’m happy” on his own. If you were looking into his eyes back then, you will feel that this time was very special to him. At that very moment, I heard the Holy