Good News With Nurse Heather

Aaron Justis of Buds & Roses Collective



Today on Good News with Nurse Heather, Cannakenny and Nurse Heather are joined by Aaron Justis, President & CEO of Buds & Roses Collective. Buds & Roses is a medical cannabis dispensary in the City of Los Angeles, and a board member of the National Cannabis Industry Association. Aaron has established a solid reputation in LA amongst patients and city officials alike. Buds & Roses has the finest vegan-organic cannabis on the market, a deeply passionate and knowledgeable staff to assist their clientele, and a classy atmosphere, that attracts cannabis industryinsiders, celebrities, senior citizens, as well as seriously ill patients. Aaron became a cannabis activist in 1997 at 20 years old. He’s worked with leaders inside and outside of the cannabis reform movement, including Jack Herer, former Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Harvard’s Dean of Public Health Dr. Julio Frenk.