Chillin With Deke

33: Dave Sanderson- Flight 1549, Tony Robbins, and Why Moments Matters



Every wonder what it would be like to be in a near death situation or have your life flash before your eyes? That's exactly what Dave Sanderson faced on January 15, 2009. So I didn't really know what happened on January 15th until I saw the movie Sully a few years ago. (Solid flick. Hanks knocked it out of the park. I'd give it an 84% lol.) Seriously though.... That was a pretty crazy. And I never  would've thought that I'd be podcasting with one of the survivors albeit, the last passenger. But here we are. Dave Sanderson is an international speaker/ entrepreneur and was the last passenger off the plane at the Miracle on the Hudson. In addition, Dave has 30 years of valuable sales experience and also worked as the director of security for Tony Robbins. I really appreciate Dave for coming on the show and sharing. And I have to thank my man, Chuck Bolena, for making the connection for this interview as well. In this episode we discuss: -Dave's 1 on 1 game with Oscar Robertson -Surrounding Yourself with Great Pe