Note Mba

001: From $0 to $1,000,000 in less than a year



The inaugural episode of Note MBA will introduce you to the hosts Chase Thompson and Robert Woods.  Note MBA was created with the goal to show people how to start, grow, and understand the business of note investing from an organic grassroots point of view.  Robert has spent the last month living in Chiang Mai, Thailand managing his note business while working along side of large group of location independent entrepreneurs.  At the same time Chase works on expanding his note business and developing his marketing company on the opposite side of the world from his home in Texas. Find out how Chase and Robby got started in the note business, and where they are headed next year.  If you have any questions, comments, or a rich uncle, be sure to send us a message at:   -An introduction to the defaulted note business from a borrower’s prospective -Downsizing and how it fueled Chase’s entrance into the note business -Running a location independent note business -From $0 to $1,000,000 in less than a ye