Free Methodist Church Of Santa Barbara

What Should We Fear? - Rev. Colleen Hurley-Bates (5-6-18)



Mark 6:45-52 The passage we study this week is a familiar one: Jesus walking on the water. This story is found in three of the gospels. . . Matthew, Mark and John. The Lord and the disciples have had an active time in the last few days before they come to this evening. Jesus goes to pray and sends the twelve across the lake. We are unsure when they thought they would see Him again, but it is clear they didn't think it would be when He was walking by them. Imagine being in a boat and Jesus is standing on the lake next to you, as if it was solid ground! As you take some time with this passage this week, think about how the disciples react to Him. We are going to talk about being afraid and how Jesus meets us in those times we are not expecting Him. This Sunday is communion, a moment the Lord meets with us in transforming ways. My prayer is for each of us to know His presence among us.