20 Questions With Jordan Wylie

Episode #17 Brian Wood MC



This months guest on the show is another veteran with one of the most unique stories that the British Military has seen in the last 30 years. Brian Wood MC, is a former Colour Sergeant in the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment. ''Woody'' was awarded the Military Cross, one of Britain’s highest awards for gallantry in combat, by Her Majesty The Queen II, following his courageous leadership under enemy fire in Iraq. In the heat of a lethal close quarters battle, fighting outnumbered, he seized the initiative, taking a split-second decision to lead his men into the teeth of enemy fire in the first bayonet charge by British soldiers in 25 years. Leading from the front, he put his own life in great danger. Under his command, Brian’s men defeated the enemy without sustaining any serious casualties themselves. Their actions that day saved many other soldiers’ lives. During a 16 year military career, Brian led British troops across the full spectrum of battle from training to fighting; from operations in the