Tony Cosentino Show

TCS 003: Anyone yes anyone can roast their own coffee, no beard required



Why do it Home roasting is very easy and about costs maybe $20 in simple equipment to get started. You can have your first batch of coffee roasted in about 5 mins once you get just 2 pieces of gear and some  green beans. Also you can roast in small batches so you have a continuous supply of freshly roasted coffee rather than getting to the bottom of stale bags. Negatives You can only small amounts at a time 100-150grams so don't expect to be supplying your extended family anytime soon. Also with this method the heat and fan speed are fixed so you get the same roast style each time and its a quick roast so you may want to play around with the roast details later mods or other equipment. Roasting equipment Popcorn Machine normally under $10 from op shops, ebay, gumtree or garage sales. I have found the Breville Crazy Popper to be one of the best as it has a strong motor and plenty of power. One that has the vents in the bottom section is what you need to force the beans to circulate with hot air and roast.