Chop N Roll

Jon Dragonette



    Wednesday    Week 14- Jon Dragonette Im excited to welcome my friend Jon Dragonette @jondragonette to the studio this week. He brought a killer playlist to share with us, and I definitely discovered some new music. Jon is an accomplished photographer, drummer, skater, and I’m sure some other things that I don’t know about. We ramble about music, life, and traveling.    Enjoy the show this week and email me with your request and comments or instagram @chopnrollpodcast       Weekly Playlist:   Ballad of a Hard Man- Thin Lizzy Suicide- Dust Forever My Queen- Pentagram Drive Me Into he Grave- Bedemon Outer Spaced- Stonewall Come With Me- Bang Slave of Fear- Stone Axe Keep Going- Lucifer’s Friend Dead Meat- Bolder Damn Bloodsucker- Deep Purple Homicidal Suicidal- Budgie Mr. Destroyer- Poobah The Bomber A: Closet Queen B: Bolero C: Cast Your Fate To The Wind- James Gang Rumblin’ Man- Cactus, Gene Paul, Jackson Howe Drowned My Life In Fear- Leaf Hound I’m A Freak- Wicked Lady SPONSORS