Chillin With Deke

39: Overcoming Post Traumatic Church Syndrome with Reba Riley



Think of it like this. We've all grown up with teachings, beliefs and faith that have been passed down to us from others. Whether it's church, religions, parents, teachers, etc. When you buy-in and live based on these principles, your "religion" becomes apart of you... But what happens when one start to question these beliefs? There's a breaking of sorts, almost like an identity crisis. I think a lot of us have dealt/deal with this type of syndrome. For me, I grew up in Christianity and there's a lot of things that were taught to me which I simply don't agree with anymore. I'm lucky I've had some awesome people around me where this questioning led to nothing more than disagreements and sometimes good debates. In many cases though, instead of healing, religion has brought people pain and loneliness. Should we look at church as bad then? Is religion evil? What about religious people? I mean, how do we deal with this spiritual aspect of our lives if we don't really vibe with all the teachings? Especially if reli