Free Methodist Church Of Santa Barbara

Healing (Rev. Danielle Garcia and Rev. Helen Rhee)



Mark 8:22-26. We continue in the book of Mark. Jesus is in Bethsaida, which means 'house of hunting' and was home to a few of the disciples. It was a place we see a few times in the Gospel and is located close to the Sea of Galilee. While here, some people bring a man who is blind in order for to Jesus to touch him. Jesus does so and there is a miracle performed as the Lord restores sight to the man's eyes. This Sunday, we are going to be a house of prayer. I will give you some lessons to think about from this scripture. Then, Pastor Helen Rhee is going to come talk about why we pray for one another in the historical framework of the church and what it means. She will then invite us to pray. We encourage you to come and be prayed over with oil by leaders for physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. Or you may stay in your pew and pray with others around you. You may simply want to seek the Lord privately. All of us can use prayer and all of us know someone who could use prayer. Sunday, we are going to