Sales Heroes

How to Get HUGE Results From Small Actions Daily With Jim Stryker



How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you win big? One small victory at a time. Jim Stryker, who is in the elite club as far as production and leadership breaks down high achievement into a mindset and small “base hits” that add up to big results. Jim says that victory begins with the bed-it’s not what you’re thinking! It begins by making your bed. Making your bed begins a series of wins. When you focus on the small things, they add up to become wins, and those wins become more wins.  Rather than focusing on winning the world series of your life, you should focus on getting base hits. Forget about the big and become a craftsman at the mundane, small stuff. If we are striving for greatness in each moment, you get a little bit better each day.   Here are few things that Jim suggests: Win the day. The present is the present for a reason. Have a mindset of Procession (going somewhere) and projection (knowing where you are going). Don’t close a sale, it’s actually about opening the lines of possib