Pencils Without Erasers

PWE Episode 4: Industry and the Struggle



It's been a while, but we're back. Topics covered: Adoptables: are they a stupid business model? Comic Conventions: have you been to one, have you vendored at one? What was it like and how do you feel about it as a business practice? Why did you do it? Any tips on surviving it? It’s a lot of work and can take a ton out of you. Are there any issues in artist’s alleys that you see? Anything you see consistently? Breaking down the business of art: Fanart vs original content. Why is it the way it is? Sub-topic: Is there a way to bridge the gap between the success of fanart and the minority of success that original content has? Furries: Where does the money come from?? The difference between online presence and traditional presence in the art world and how that, if at all, affects growth in popularity. Guests this episode: Tyto Alba: Skittydraws: