Stoked Lifestyle

048 Making the Scary Career Transition with Giselle Wasfie



Background Starting as a writer with her Master’s Degree in Journalism, Giselle Wasfie found herself unfulfilled. She decided to take the scary step to go back to school and pursue her Master’s Degree in Chinese Medicine. With looming doubts concerning the cost and time that a master’s degree would take, as well as passing up a lucrative job offer in the journalism field, she still applied, got in, and never looked back. While at school, she felt very connected to what she was studying and that there was a voice inside telling her this was what she should be doing. Closing The Chapter At the same time Giselle was applying to go to school for Chinese medicine, she was up for a job as editor in chief, literally the top tier of where one would want to be in the journalism field. When she found out that she was in the finals for candidates it occurred to her that she had to make a choice. It was then that she wrote to the interviewer, thanked him for the opportunity, and then chose to fully commit herself to the