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The journal Neurology published a paper called “Prospective Study of Restless Legs Syndrome and Total and Cardiovascular Mortality Among Women.” This study proves to me that your leg cramps are telling you that your magnesium deficiency is serious and needs to be remedied.  Why? Because I’ve seen countless people eliminate their symptoms of leg cramps / Restless Leg Syndrome when they take ReMag and when people have magnesium deficiency they are at risk for CV disease. The highest amounts of magnesium in the body are in the heart so if there is magnesium deficiency, the heart is at risk. The association between restless legs and CV disease places the blame on magnesium deficiency as the shared cause. RLS is said to be a sleep and a neurological sensory disorder, which tells me nothing about its cause. In fact, medicine has no idea what causes RLS or how to treat it. This latest study just makes people with RLS more anxious because they have been told there is no cure for RLS and now they are told it increa