Breaking Success

Beyond The Zone Diet with Dr. Barry Sears



Dr. Barry Sears whom wrote the fantastic Zoner Diet comes onto the show to delve deep into the importance of inflammation and how we can quench the fire within. Want to say; "what an absolute legend!". Dr. Barry is a great guy, and it's been great connecting with him and being able to share this episode with you. We delve into such topics as: Why inflammation is such a problem, and what we can do about it. Why Dr. Sears recommends Fish Oil supplementation... and delves deep into how much. The hormonal effect and why its so important to know how your foods are affecting you... PLUS how to easily go through each day knowing what your diet should be. How toxicity and body fat are related. The importance of Gut Health, and how your diet directly relates PLUS... the latest changes from the zone diet. I know you're going to love this episode as we cover VERY important topics. And really open up the best next steps you can start to take from today, so you can start seeing and feeling the results. My ask for you is -