Free Methodist Church Of Santa Barbara

Who Can Be Saved? - Rev. Colleen Hurley-Bates (9-9-18)



Mark 10:23-31. This Sunday, we continue with a story we began last week. A man comes to Jesus asking what he must do to inherit eternal life. After affirming the man for keeping the commandments, the Lord tells him he lacks one thing: he must go, sell all he has, give it to the poor and then come back and follow Jesus. The man is shocked by this idea and goes away grieving. While we understand this is only a moment in the man's life and he could have later come back having done what the Lord wanted, this interaction becomes a platform onto which Jesus gives a teaching about wealth. In essence, He says how hard it is for those who have abundance to enter God's kingdom. We are going to talk about this idea on Sunday, as we consider Jesus' words of warning to the disciples.