Learning Chaos

Mind Hacking with Sir John Hargrave



John Hargrave grabbed an epiphany as he threw away his alcohol supply—Don’t believe everything you think. He is, in a nutshell, recovering from his physical and cognitive dependence. Our covers a lot of ground, but always comes back to focus on managing our thinking better, whether with problems of dependence, creativity, or life in general. John’s book, Mind Hacking, is due for release in January. The book walks us through insights and techniques to reprogram, or “hack”, our minds (for the better!). It'll be available from Simon and Schuster’s Gallery Books in January 2016, or you can read a pre-release copy here: http://www.mindhacki.ng John’s company, Media Shower (www.mediashower.com) celebrates an integrated approach to content, promotion, and marketing.