The Pe Geek Podcast

Episode 50 - 50 Tech & PE Ideas from Teachers Around the Globe



In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, we reach the momentous 50th episode milestone. When I first started out on this journey way back in August of 2013, I didn't imagine that the podcast would be as big of a hit as it has become. As such I didn't anticipate that it would be as immensely valued by the listeners as it has grown to be. To say that I appreciate the chance to produce the podcasts would be a huge understatement as they have proven to be the simplest and most powerful way to share to a global audience. I simply love podcasting, and you all seem to follow in my appreciate through the downloads of this show.To celebrate the 50th Episode of The PE Geek Podcast, I wanted to tap into the audience of Physical Education teachers across the globe and ask them one simple question "What App, Device, Tech Tool, Tip or Trick would you share with others & why". The responses were recorded in Voxer and make up the bulk of today's episode. It's jam packed full of amazingness.