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Quick Hit #45: Are You Living From Abundance or Scarcity?



The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about the difference between living from an abundant versus a scarcity mindset. Although it's easily applied to business — this concept is truly a way you see the world. Characteristics of an abundant mindset include that there's always more to go around, a "no" means a better "yes" is coming, no neediness, clinging or desperation — and the faith that what's coming is better than what's been. Learn how to identify these patterns in your life that come from scarcity — and how to change them once and for all! WANT TO RUN WITH A LIKE MINDED TRIBE? The TRIBE Experience was designed to bridge the gap between my books and podcast content — and my high ticket programs. It was designed to give you the same tools, systems, access, skills and mindsets to help you breakthrough at a fraction of the investment of my other programs. If you're ready — sign up here as we are closing down enrollment this week. Head over to now! LIKE WHAT YOU HEARD? We'd love a rev