

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration. Don’t miss out on any episodes, and make sure to subscribe, review and share with your friends if you extracted any value. Today’s Quick Hit is about having a growth mindset — and consistently seeking information that challenges your beliefs and allows you to question deeper. This is never a bad thing, this is a powerful place of exploration, growth and healthy questioning. Furthermore, there is nothing worse than being in a conversation with someone who can’t share any perspective and is so rigid in their beliefs they don’t even listen to you. LIKE WHAT YOU HEARD? We'd love a review of the Academy, and you'll be entered to win a free copy of UnResolution. Here's how: 1. Open up the podcast app in your iTunes or iOs. 2. Search 'Resist Average Academy.' 3. Subscribe, then click 'Write A Review.' 4. Tell us why you love our content, and you're done! 5. Your