Resist Average Academy: Knowledge | Inspiration | Action | Motivation | Business | Growth | Spirit | Success | Money |

Ep. 73 | Disrupt a Market and Scale Your Business with Yemeni Mesa



The latest Resist Average Academy episode features entrepreneur, health and nutrition enthusiast, former Quest Nutrition executive and president of Know Foods — Yemeni Mesa. Yemeni's deep experience in product creation, food, disruption and identifying winners in the food industry, combined with his passion for health and fitness make him a powerhouse in this field. In this episode, we go deep into the world of business and entrepreneurship, including: Yemeni’s journey to the U.S. The biggest lesson learned from his Mother The power of a positive tribe The journey to Quest Nutrition Building a disruptive protein bar How Quest broke every growth and sales record Shattering records with limited distribution Why you have to start with an amazing product The power of building a raving community Why being patient allowed Quest to scale Creating a mission based culture and team How to inspire every employee with your vision Developing the vision for Know Foods Meeting your customers where they are LIKED WHAT YOU