Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Did you know your body requires magnesium for proper detoxification of your cells? Magnesium is a foundational nutrient on which detoxification systems depend for their function.  Without proper magnesium levels in the body, natural minerals like calcium can accumulate within your cells because magnesium deficiency causes cells to lose the ability to maintain normal mineral concentrations and exhibit toxic effects. The health of detoxification systems also is critical because exposure to environmental contaminants, synthetic chemicals, and pollution is a reality in our industrial world. Magnesium is one of the best weapons in your arsenal against chemical toxicity! Just how does magnesium support detox? First and foremost, magnesium’s major role in the production of energy (as ATP) puts magnesium at the top of the list when it comes to detox! After all, ATP provides your cells with the energy they require for pumping out toxins before, during, and after they accumulate. It’s true! High levels of e