Live Better, Give Better

Trying Out Spirit Guides - What I learnt from my interview with Joanna Hennon



Following on from the podcast and video with Joanna Hennon about how spirit guides can help you life a better life, I decided to spend a couple of weeks following her advice and trying it all out. As I mentioned when we released this podcast, I have always been a bit wary of the term ‘spirit guide’ for some reason. It’s just felt a little bit too far out for me. But something about Joanna’s energy and presence let me to feel that it would be worthwhile to learn about them, and I’m really glad that I did. In this podcast I share how I tried out a deck of oracle cards for the first time and began journalling with them. I used the Wisdom of Avalon oracle cards as she recommended. I share how I have embedded the practice of connecting with spirit guides into my every day life – what works for me and what I’ve tweaked to suit my needs. Check out the podcast minisode and don’t forget that Joanna is offering listeners her Ideal Audience Visualisation which will help you to tap into that process of