Chip's Tips

Home Improvement: Building Christian Homes - Week 2



So you already noticed let me turn that on. Some of you already noticed but my wife and I since the time we got married but little even even before we got married we have flipped houses this been something that we have done and as where I started at first house before we got married and then since we've been married pretty much every other year we have sold our house because if you do it every other year then the tax man doesn't come and take all of your money so that's about that sort of a so we've been here for eight years and together we flipped four houses and we've lived in our current house for about a year and a half so that means that if you're looking for a four bedroom two bath home you let me know because pretty soon we're gonna be ready to put that house on it's just it's what we do she had no idea I don't think when we got married that