Chip's Tips

Knowing God Truly v. Fully



As I mentioned again in the service we did have a great time at I had a great time at camp. I really probably shouldn't speak probably use David did you have a great time? Yeah we had a great time. We found out that Bradley is is a bold bold young man very bold at one point he he couldn't he didn't wanna finish a a dessert and he walked up and offered it to some complete strangers asked them if they wanted to finish his dessert sweet kind bold we had a great time. But one thing happened at camp this week that was was kinda kind of weird I'm really think you if you know the people involved you would even say it's it's surprising(?). When we got to the church to leave for camp I got here about 11:59 and we were supposed to meet here at 12:00. Matthew knows I was here early and what even more surprising the fact that I was here early