Chip's Tips

The Sufficiency of Scripture



We live in a culture where enough is just host ___ enough we come to food we don't eat until we are no longer hungry we eat until we are stop right like we fill our ___ you just can't hook anything else in there cos enough food isn't enough for using. We don't wanna have this morning ___ till like you know provide the essential for parents we want you know have one at the bank we have money ___ I mean we built is not enough money you know it's not about here probably here an offer 10 thousand dollars with that you know what I don't know I got enough money you just keep that money that you'd want to get ___ like there was enough isn't enough in a lot of different ways and a lot a lot of different part of our lives enough isn't enough but there's one lemon in the Christian live way enough is enough and that is the word of God it is enough and we got a hard.