Chip's Tips

The Necessity of Scripture



The television show and I gotta say when I saw the preview work, I got a little excited because I really like Sherlock Holmes. I like I read when I was a kid I read the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I've seen the Sherlock Holmes movie. I like, one of the things, here's the thing I really like about Sherlock Holmes I love that you know that as he sees someone and he can just meet somebody and instantly from what he sees, he knows all about it. Alright. You know he sees somebody based on the details of what he picks up from, he knows what they do for a living. He knows for what state been on. You know he can just tell all the history of a person just in the thing that he very quickly see that I don't know if there are actually people like that. And I hope there aren't ___ with that, you know that's just, that's kinda creepy to think there's somebody who could have a bad amount of you know completely see and know. But I like the idea that when we see some thing and we know some things based on what we see but t