Chip's Tips

Chip's Tips - talking about gonna answer, dad, ya



Is that John. Thank you. This morning on your way in or after you're sitting down, Mathew should've given you a card like this said hello my name is and I I don't know if this is ever a problem for ya'll but sometimes ___ when I get these sort of things I don't know exactly what I should put on my name is, do somebody you know shut(?) on first and last, first middle last just last to be you know what and then it's doubly difficult for me because my my legal name is Dylan Anthony and so nobody but nobody calls me Dylan it doesn't if somebody call Dylan Anthony you know even now I've been out of my house for 14 years and somebody calls and says can I speak with Dylan Anthony I say hold on let me get my dad right he doesn't even live with me but I'm not Dylan but sometimes if I'm gonna answer them like do I put Dylan, do I put Chet(?), what what is it that I should put on on it and really is