Chip's Tips

Breaking Through Barriers To Witnessing



This morning as we as we move through our Psalms you'll notice that there are scripture references next to the next to the main points and if you like I will not be offended if you want to go ahead and mark all of them to make a little easier as you flipped through because I tend to go little bit fast from package to package and where is that. So right now yeah heads up. Cos I I already have them all marked up here and written down so I'm not having to flip through. So that's a little advantage so you all don't think I'm just back faster navigating through my bible. There was a man in the 20th century who's considerably one of the greatest minds of 20th century. His name was Albert Einstein you probably heard of him probably and one of the things that Albert Einstein did we'd like to think that he's probably the most famous for is his theory of relativity and that's overly complex theory that I don't completely understand but the basics of there it is