Chip's Tips

Journey Week 3



What we hear from the Cardiologist is that usually if we have something wrong with our heart. If we have a disease of the heart that their usually one of two reasons why and the Cardiologist also scared because he uses a lot of machines by using a lot of stuff. Yeah I don't know if you've been to Cardiologist right. They they put all this like little thing on you ___ very gently tried of all the test later. Right now and they hook you in EKG's(?) and they they take this ultrasounds and they do all this take this pictures of it's size(?) and they they put you and put you on a thread mill right right. If going to doctor wasn't bad enough then they make you exercise, right. ___ and ultimately when they come back to you when they give you the good flash ok news they say that you're probably with your heart is maybe it's genetic may you have a family history. You have been ___ something that is wrong with your heart. Your Mom had high blood pressure. Your Dad had high