Zohra Sarwari

Interview Inspirational Motivational Speaker - PT 02



This sister came to America at the age of six. She started out as a refugee, living first in New York and Virginia, before finally moving to California.In 1993, she graduated high school, and got married shortly after. Thereafter, she continued to work full time, undertake a college education, and have children. Eventually she earned a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Masters Degree in Business Administration, and is currently working on a Bachelors Degree in Islamic Studies. She started her own business to share the benefits of her inspirational knowledge and heart-felt experiences with people all around the world.In the face of all of her achievements and amidst every challenge she has faced, Zohra maintains her faith in Allah. She is the proud mother of four children, all of whom are currently being home schooled. She is also raising her nephew.Today, Zohra is an established author, coach, entrepreneur, and speaker, sharing her inspiration and love of learning with those around her. As a public speaker and Muslim life coach, Zohra focuses on helping people achieve their goals and working with individuals on resolving specific challenges within their lives.