Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Once again Dr. Carolyn Dean is right on time with a special handbook designed to provide you with safe, natural alternatives to manage your health and the health of your family during cold and flu season. We\'re going to talk about these resources in great detail on tonight\'s weekly radio show.  I hope you can join us. Every year the flu vaccine turns out to be less and less effective. If you google “2017-2018 flu season” you are hit with scary headlines that tell you to be very afraid of the flu, to get vaccinated, and to take antiviral medications. The fear instilled by the media who think they are  “warning the public” is enough to make you sick because they have no real solutions! Yet, when you google “2017-2018 flu vaccine” the headlines claim that this season’s flu shots are less effective than usual. And that’s saying something because Dr. Dean wrote a detailed blog that in general flu vaccines don\'t work and their effectiveness is somewhere between 4-6%! In natural medicine, we think of