Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



The holidays are here and boy are they fun! Some people think it\'s the most wonderful time of the year and I [Ginney] am one of those people. After all these years, I don\'t even TRY to kid myself that I am not going to enjoy my favorite holiday treats this time of year.  Oh, yes, I could demonize my favorite Queen Anne Chocolate Covered Maraschino Cherries or psyche myself out about the extra glass of really yummy red wine I will drink this Thanksgiving but I am not going to do that. What I am going to do is have LOTS of ReAline on hand and detox as I go.  That\'s right - instead of waiting for some crazy fad detox diet to start on January 1st, I am building my detox program the safe, healthy way every day the holidays are here so I can enjoy my favorite time of year and feel good in my body as well!. ReAline was the second formula that  Dr. Dean worked on after the RnA Drops. The current formula contains: Vitamin B1 (thiamine from Saccharomyces Boulardi) (natural source) – 4mg Vitamin B2 ( as