Library Matters

#27 - Vinyl Records and Other Retro Tech



Episode Summary: Retro tech enthusiasts Bill Carey and Eric Carzon talk about the renewed interest in vinyl records and other older technology, the April 21 Vinyl Day at Silver Spring Library, and why the VCR will not be making a comeback.  Our guests brought along some retro tech to show the hosts during the episode.  Recording Date: March 7, 2018 Hosts: Julie Dina and David Payne Guests: Information Technology Specialist Bill Carey and Twinbrook Branch Manager Eric Carzon. Featured MCPL Resource: With ArtistWorks, you can enjoy unlimited access to beginning through advanced video lessons for many musical instruments and styles, including piano, bluegrass, guitar, and hip-hop. Also includes voice lessons.  What Our Guests Are Reading:  Bill Carey: The Roosevelts: an Intimate History by Geoffrey Ward and Cars, Cars, Cars, Cars by S.C.H. Davis Eric Carzon: Vinyl: the Art of Making Records by Mike Evans and Vinyl Freak: Love Letters to a Dying Medium by John Corbett. Albums and Artists Mentioned During this Ep