Library Matters

#9 - Interview with Retiring MCPL Director Parker Hamilton



Recording Date: July 11, 2017 Episode Summary: Alessandro Russo and guest host Lennea Bower* interview retiring MCPL Director Parker Hamilton about her career in librarianship, her 37 years with Montgomery County government, and her work as director of MCPL. *Lennea Bower is the manager of Digital Strategies, the MCPL division responsible for the Library Matters podcast.   Guest: MCPL Director Parker Hamilton. Director Hamilton has led MCPL since 2005. She is retiring July 31, 2017.  Notable Quote: Director Hamilton on why she because a librarian “because it was an opportunity to connect with learning and knowledge.” MCPL Resources and Services Mentioned During This Episode Apps: MCPL offers a variety of apps that connect customers to library resource, including Bookmyne, a mobile version of our catalog, Freegal, a free music app, several e-book apps, and more. Career Online High School (COHS): COHS is an accredited, online high school diploma and career certificate program for adults 19 and older.  Digital