Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



You’ve heard the saying “To err is human, to forgive is divine”? In the medical world, to err is human, to test is divine. I’m not a huge fan of laboratory tests because the results are compared to average values in our unhealthy population, not to optimal values. And errors can occur. I tell my readers that lab testing should be used to confirm what our senses and intuition tells us. But all too often doctors place all their faith in tests and only glance at the results, looking for numbers above or below normal. Tonight on my weekly radio program I\'m going to do a comprehensive presentation on the pros and cons of lab testing: • Blood • Saliva • Hair analysis • Stool Analysis • Genetic Testing • X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, • EEGs, EKGs When it comes to supplementing with magnesium, I do not think that the majority of people require testing. Magnesium is extremely safe, and it does produce a laxative effect when you take too much at one time or when you are saturated with magnesium after several month