Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



In today’s medical climate, providing comprehensive, accurate information about safe alternatives is one of Dr. Dean’s passions. Using the internet to present and publish valuable health information has been such a blessing to millions of people around the world. There is just no disputing the fact that the internet is a powerful agent of health freedom.  But the power of the Internet is like a two-edged sword. The internet can also deliver misinformation and uncorroborated opinion with equal efficiency. The caring and the careless co-exist side by side in the Internet universe. What can be done? Most people do not think about magnesium when they think about Fake News but even the most innocent mineral is a victim of internet foul play. There are no electronic filters, no apps that are going to tell us what is fact and what is fiction.  Instead, we must use the tool of critical thinking, of discernment, to determine whats accurate and beneficial to our health and well-being.  Tonight, on our first radio