Resist Average Academy: Knowledge | Inspiration | Action | Motivation | Business | Growth | Spirit | Success | Money |

Ep. 52 | How To Make Six Figures Doing What You Love With Andrew Ferebee



In this powerful, engaging and riveting episode of the Resist Average Academy, we welcome none other than Andrew Ferebee from the awesome platform and podcast, Knowledge For Men. Andrew Ferebee is the founder of Knowledge For Men and host of the top-ranked podcast on iTunes “Knowledge For Men” which has over 2.5 million downloads. Andrew has interviewed over 250 experts including Bob Proctor, Gary Vaynerchuck, Jordan Belfort, Tony Hsieh, T. Harv Eker, Robert Greene, Kevin Harrington, US Navy Seals, UFC fighters and more. Andrew has interviewed over 250 experts including Bob Proctor, Gary Vaynerchuck, Jordan Belfort, Tony Hsieh, T. Harv Eker, Robert Greene, Kevin Harrington, US Navy Seals, UFC fighters and much more. In this episode, we deep dive into developing world class content, becoming the hero in your own journey, how to decisions based on your vision, why we both agree anyone can make six figures doing what they love (as long as they work at it), why most people quit before they see results, how to dea